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Alexei's Passionate Revenge Page 7
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Page 7
She sent him a faint smile. ‘No.’
‘Careful, sweetheart. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.’
His concern was touching, and her expression softened. ‘I’m no longer the vulnerable young girl of five years ago.’
‘Nor is he the same man.’
Isn’t that the truth.
A faint shiver slid down her spine, only to be instantly dispelled as they exited the building and crossed to the adjoining car park.
‘Thanks for the game,’ Natalya voiced as they reached her BMW.
‘But not the advice.’
‘That, too.’
Aaron placed a hand on her shoulder. ‘Travel carefully.’
She deactivated the car’s locking system, and sent him a sunny smile as she slid in behind the wheel. ‘Always.’
Asap equated to urgency. Yet she waited an hour before making the call. Justifying the delay as a need to stop by the food mart for grocery supplies, unpacking and depositing same into her fridge and pantry.
‘Your smartphone was on charge; you failed to check for messages,’ Alexei pre-empted with undisguised dryness as he picked up on the second buzz. ‘Or was the delay merely sheer bloody-mindedness?’
‘Good morning to you, too,’ she offered with incredible politeness.
Strike one for Natalya.
She made a play of checking her watch. ‘By precisely three minutes,’ she agreed. ‘The nature of your call being?’
Was it possible for silence to be explosive? And why did the thought please her?
‘A meeting set up in Melbourne late this afternoon. My car will collect you at three-thirty. You’ll need an overnight bag.’
‘Need I remind you it’s the weekend? You expect me to drop everything at a moment’s notice?’
‘And if I decline?’
‘I suggest you reconsider.’ His cool, slightly acerbic response hit a hot button, and she tamped down her temper.
Of course. He held all the cards in this diabolical game, with not one in her favour.
Once, just once she’d kill to be able to upset the balance of power between them.
Not going to happen anytime soon...
‘Could we make it three forty-five?’ Fifteen minutes was a small concession, albeit a deliberate one.
Well, there you go. Nice try, even if it failed. With that, she slipped into smooth professional mode. ‘Any specific instructions?’
Alexei outlined them with succinct brevity and ended the call.
Hotel. Restaurant. Six for seven. Suitable attire.
Natalya extended the tip of her tongue in an unladylike gesture, then she swept into her bedroom to pack.
HIGH-END MELBOURNE HOTEL, stunning river and inner-city views, check.
Top floor restaurant, good table, time and number of guests, check.
Luxury two-bedroom suite, each with en suite bathroom, and separated by lounge, reluctant check. A familiar business arrangement when travelling as Roman’s PA.
However Alexei was not her father.
‘I’d prefer a separate suite on the same floor.’
Alexei’s eyebrow rose. ‘On what grounds?’
She had a few, only one of which she was prepared to voice. ‘Privacy.’
The faint lift at the edge of his mouth was so fleeting, she wondered if she’d merely imagined it.
‘Afraid, Natalya?’
‘Of you?’ Her gaze met his with cool equanimity. ‘Not in this lifetime.’
‘In that case, I don’t perceive there to be a problem.’ He checked his watch. ‘Order coffee in ten. Bring your iPad.’ With that he collected his bag and disappeared into the bedroom on his right.
She ordered room service, took the second bedroom, freshened up, unpacked, and re-emerged into the lounge to find him seated at a desk checking data on his laptop.
He’d removed his suit jacket and tie, released the top few buttons of his shirt, and bore a raw masculinity that tugged at her nerve-ends, heated her blood and made her aware of every breath she took.
Not fair. Any of it.
Coffee arrived, and she filled both cups, placed one within Alexei’s reach, opened her iPad and went to work keying in minor and a few major alterations to contractual clauses, highlighting the changes, then sent the amended contract to Alexei’s laptop and checked the evening’s schedule.
Four guests...three men well known in the electronics field and a PA.
There was time to shower, change into black silk evening trousers, attend to her make-up, style her hair, then slip on a stunning red jacket with matching silk lapels. A simple gold chain at her neck, small gold ear studs, a solid gold bracelet and her watch completed jewellery. Killer black Louboutins, and she was ready to go.
At six-fifty, evening purse tucked beneath her arm, satchel in hand, she emerged into the lounge to join Alexei.
Sensation arrowed deep within her as he turned to face her, and she had no control over the heat warming her body, or the way her pulse thudded to a quickened beat.
There was nothing classical about his features. Cheekbones a little too wide, the jawbone strong and emphasised by dark close-clipped designer stubble. Broad forehead, and eyes so dark they were almost black...equally expressive and warm, or cold as Russian ice. A generous beautifully moulded mouth, groomed hair a little longer than the current conventional style, a lithe toned body, an inherent air of power, success.
Unequivocally the wow factor.
So what?
She’d come into contact with equally attractive men. Yet none affected her the way Alexei had...and still did.
An admission she refused to give the slightest consideration.
Moving right along. They had a business dinner to attend, undoubtedly a late evening ahead, and any delays could lead to a further meeting the next day.
Superb food, splendid views of a stunning nightscape. Tall brightly lit city buildings, neon billboards...and skilled high-powered business as Alexei outlined his terms for a proposed deal involving one of ADE’s subsidiary companies.
Interesting and slightly amusing to intercept the occasional glance aimed at Alexei by the super efficient blonde PA, a hint of sultry in her smile, the slow sweep of perfect mascara-enhanced lashes. Little doubt an attempt to signal discreet interest.
Like she cared if Alexei returned it? Natalya determined, and focussed on the job at hand.
The conglomerate represented by the three men wanted concessions written into the existing contract, which Alexei refused to consider.
Negotiations moved up a notch, Natalya acknowledged as she declined a second glass of wine in favour of sparkling mineral water.
Power became an effective sword, one which Alexei chose to wield with ruthless purpose, resulting in the spokesman for the group making a calculated attempt over coffee to regain some balance in the power play.
Without success, as Alexei brought the evening to a close by rising to his feet, inclined his head in dismissal, and silently signalled Natalya.
Obsequiousness was out, but Natalya detected a hint of silent back-pedalling as the head partner attempted to counter. ‘We’ll confer and contact you tomorrow.’
Alexei didn’t hesitate. ‘I have another meeting in the morning at nine.’
The implication was clear. Play ball on Alexei’s terms, or not at all, Natalya reflected as they rode the elevator in silence, exited at their designated floor, and headed towards their suite.
A faint element of tension curled around her nerve-ends as he used the entry card to disengage the door and indicate she precede him into the
Professional, remember?
It was easy to turn towards her chosen bedroom, and she was almost there, her hand extended towards the door handle when the sound of his voice caused her to pause.
‘I want the evening’s report accessible on my laptop by seven in the morning.’
It was all she could do not to grit her teeth. Instead, she turned towards him, inclined her head and added with sweet emphasis, ‘An indication of tomorrow’s agenda would help facilitate a workable schedule.’ A fractional pause accelerated by a steady unwavering look lent intended emphasis. ‘Seven-thirty?’
She could have sworn she glimpsed a flicker of amusement in those dark eyes, then it was gone.
‘We’ll confer over breakfast. Order room service for two at seven-fifteen.’
A minor concession... Whether she compiled the report tonight, or rose early to complete it was neither here nor there.
Without a further word she turned and walked towards the adjoining bedroom.
‘Sleep well.’ His faint drawl held a tinge of amusement.
Natalya didn’t miss a beat as she spared him a glance over one shoulder as she entered her room. ‘I always do.’
With that, she closed the door behind her, turned the lock, and silently pumped a fist in the air.
There was something eminently satisfying in having the last word.
* * *
A victory short-lived, Natalya conceded as business ruled their early morning breakfast.
A relaxed CEO, she perceived, with the top two buttons of his shirt undone, sleeves turned back, suit jacket spread over the back of his chair.
A casual look she silently assured she was perfectly comfortable with...and knew she lied.
Five years had added a few slight changes if one looked closely enough. Fine lines fanned out from the far corners of his eyes. Close-clipped designer stubble added a ruthless quality to his facial features...and she squashed the stray thought whether it would feel soft or slightly bristly on a woman’s soft skin.
Are you insane?
Just...curious, she hastened silently, and filled her cup with coffee. It said much for her level of control that her hand remained perfectly steady. So what if she took the coffee black, strong and unsweetened for the maximum caffeine hit?
Cool, professional, as they ran an updated check on the day’s schedule. Tight, Natalya perceived, with little wiggle room for any unforeseen delay.
Vastly different from the leisurely meals she’d shared with her father during his regime when the first business meeting of the day began with an extensive lunch and rarely concluded until late afternoon. Dinner inevitably morphed into a social event with a well-imbibed Roman generously picking up the tab.
Chalk and cheese, she perceived as she drained the last of her coffee, slid the iPad into her satchel, and waited dutifully as Alexei buttoned his shirt, fixed his tie before shrugging into his jacket.
Attired in a black pencil-slim skirt and fitted jade-coloured jacket, killer heels, she felt ready to deal with whatever the day would bring as she preceded Alexei from their suite.
It didn’t help that the elevator doors opened to reveal an almost full occupant capacity entailing up close and personal contact with her nemesis. Nor did it aid an increased pulse-beat as unwanted awareness unfurled deep within.
Natalya stood rigidly still, consciously ensuring her breathing remained even, measured, and didn’t pound to a rapid beat as it threatened to do.
In a few short seconds the elevator would reach ground level, release its passengers...and she’d be able to breathe normally again.
Did he have any idea how his presence affected her?
Or how hard she fought against it?
There were many reasons to hate him, and she did...vehemently. So why did the light musky drift of Alexei’s cologne tease and heighten her senses?
His height and muscled frame proved a powerful force impossible to ignore. So, too, the sexual chemistry he managed to exude with little or no effort at all.
Five years ago she’d relished every stolen moment with him, no matter how brief. His touch, warmth of his smile, the knowledge of more, much more, as soon as they were alone. Did he remember, as she did? Wake in the night wanting, needing what they’d once shared?
Obviously not.
So who’s the fool haunted by images of a past best forgotten?
You have a life...or at least she did have until Alexei reappeared on the scene.
Her relief was palpable as the elevator slid to a smooth halt, and she accompanied Alexei across the marble-tiled lobby to the black limousine and driver parked adjacent the hotel entrance.
Any hope she had of occupying the rear seat alone was dashed when Alexei slid in beside her, and she silently cursed his close proximity as the limousine cruised through city streets towards their destination.
‘No last-minute instructions?’ Natalya managed quietly, and incurred his measured glance.
Okay. Time out from idle conversation. Which suited her just fine.
Instead she reflected on the meeting’s key points, and the background research she had managed to glean on the major player in opposition.
An open mind, adhere with polite formalities, record all details from both parties...and become the quintessential PA.
In other words, be prepared for anything.
The limousine pulled into a semi-circular driveway and drew to a halt adjacent an impressive entrance lobby.
Showtime, Natalya accorded as they were met and led towards a bank of elevators, one of which transported them to a high floor where they were escorted to a designated boardroom.
There was a brief moment when Alexei’s hand inadvertently brushed her arm, and she hated the way her pulse immediately quickened to a crazy beat.
In the name of heaven...focus.
The fact she did owed more to the experience of long practice, and she took her seat at the conference table, extracted the necessary iPad, and mini-recorder.
Playing tough in the business arena was an art form Alexei had mastered with unfailing ease as he calmly stripped negotiations to a base level of take it or leave it. Something which didn’t augur well, and resulted in harsh criticism of ADE CEO’s tactics.
Cut-throat didn’t come close. Although Natalya had to concede the methodology worked. A break for lunch involved food eaten in one of the hotel’s private rooms...and a review of key points from the morning’s meeting.
High-powered, with Alexei’s unyielding stance, and his superb negotiation skills.
Natalya could only quietly admire his ability to figuratively pin his business competitor to the wall...while her personal jury remained out regarding the inherent ruthlessness he managed to employ.
The pace increased during the afternoon, with Alexei adamant his terms were final, which led to a hastily arranged meeting the following morning.
‘Reschedule our flight to mid-afternoon tomorrow,’ Alexei instructed as their limousine took the route to their hotel.
Natalya sent him a killing look as they entered their hotel suite. ‘In this technological age legal documents can be digitally signed and emailed.’
‘True.’ He removed his suit jacket, loosened his tie and tossed both onto a nearby chair as he sent her a piercing look. ‘You’re questioning my decision?’
‘Merely expressing an opinion.’
‘Which you feel entitled to do?’
Why did she suddenly feel as if she’d ventured onto shaky ground? ‘It wasn’t specifically mentioned in my employment contract.’
Was that a faint gleam of humour in his dark gaze?
‘Consult the menu and order a meal to be delivered to our suite
at seven.’ Alexei waited a beat. ‘I’ll have the seafood pilaf.’ He reached forward and collected his jacket and tie, then turned towards his room. ‘I’ll change and go down to the gym for an hour.’
All this togetherness didn’t augur well, especially from her perspective. She could manage days, business lunches and dinners. It was the overnight thing that bothered her. Especially the sharing of a suite, despite it being a sensible business arrangement.
Hadn’t she accompanied Roman to interstate meetings? Shared similar suites in several different hotels?
So why, now, did she feel wary? Defensive, on edge?
Yet she did, and it angered her that she should.
Worse, a full-blown suspicion Alexei took pleasure in figuratively ruffling her feathers.
Civil during business discussions in the presence of others, yet when alone with him she detected a watchful element, almost as if he was deliberately intent on...what?
There had been a time when she could read him well. Yet the passing of time had wrought changes. Few of which she could condone. For even now, her heart ached for the loss of the love they’d once shared. The pain of him leaving her so suddenly without a word and no further contact, despite all her efforts, still existed...like a wound that had never completely healed.
So go do something constructive, an inner voice urged. Check out the hotel boutiques. Or better yet, go swim laps in the hotel pool and work off some pent-up angst.
The pool won out, and she quickly rang Room Service, placed an order, then retrieved a one-piece from her bag, changed, caught up a towelling robe, popped the suite swipe card into one of two capacious pockets, and took the elevator.
Most of the guests were readying themselves for drinks at the bar or in the lounge, and Natalya felt a sense of relief on discovering she had the pool to herself.
The water was enticing, crystal clear and sparkling. Without hesitation, she shrugged off the robe and dived in.
It felt so good as she rose to the water’s surface and began stroking laps, one after the other, steady at first before picking up speed. After a while she lost count, content simply to power up and down the pool’s length, varying strokes as the whim took her, until she simply rolled over and lazily backstroked to the pool’s edge.